Saturday 18 August 2018



(Scientists working on a time machine)
Tony: Look at my new time machine!
Mandy: Wow! It’s fantastic!
Fede: Can we try it?
Antonio: Yes!
Mandy, Tony and Fede: 1, 2, 3! (They shout and spin around several times)


Santi F: Hello! How are you? My name is Santi  Filikauka and these are Lauti Arrascachaka and Santi Sanchezumpaumpa.
Mandy: Hi! We are Tony, Fede and Mandy.
Lauti: Welcome to the old stone age!
Santi S: Do you want to visit our house?
Mandy, Tony and Fede: Yes, we do!
(The children explore the cave with their torches)
Fede: Wow! What did you draw?
Santi S: The animals we want to kill.
Tony: What colours did you use?
Lauti: Brown, black and yellow.
Mandy: Is it cold at night?
Santi F: Yes! But now we know how to make fire!
(The home group sits down while the scientists look around. The fire group goes to the front.)

Fede: Hello! How do you make fire?
Felipe: We strike two rocks (While striking them) near dry grass.
Rafa: Or we put a stick in a groove and we rub it (While doing it).
Tony: What do you use fire for?
Juanma: For cooking, for scaring animals, for being warm and for lighting up our caves.
Felipe: Mmm now we’re going to cook something delicious.
Rafa and Juanma: Yes! Yummy!
Mandy: What are you going to cook? (The fire group sits down and the food group goes to the front).

Sofi: We’re going to cook a small animal. I’m very hungry.
Fede: What else do you eat?
Juani P: We pick fruit and berries like strawberries and blueberries from trees. They’re sweet and tasty! (She gives out some berries to the parents).
Sofi: And we also fish!
Tony: Cool! What animals do you know? (The food group sits down and the animal group goes to the front).

Emi: In the forest you can find mammoths. They are very big and they have brown fur.
Mati: You can also find sabre-toothed tigers. They are big cats with two big teeth.
Emi: Sh! Look! There’s one mammoth behind the tree (Pointing to an image on the TV).
Mati: And there’s a sabre-toothed tiger on that hill (Pointing to an image on the TV).
(They all run away scared. The animals group sits down and the tools & weapons group goes to the front).

Mandy: But why is this age called the stone age?
Ceferino: Because we use stones for making weapons and tools.
Fede: Wow! So interesting!
Tony: What tools and weapons?
Giuli: Spears for killing animals and fishing (She’ll kill a stuffed animal).
Román: Axes and pick-axes for cutting down trees.
Ceferino: Knives for cutting.
Román: And bows and arrows for protecting ourselves from enemies.
Giuli: Look! I made an axe with a stick, grass and a rock.
Mandy: Cool!
 (The tools & weapons group sits down and the clothes group goes to the front)

Mandy: Wow! I love your dress (Looking at Juana P).
Juani P: Thank you! I’m wearing a skin dress.
Lu: It’s beautiful! What animal did you get the skin from?
Juani VPI killed a tiger.
Lu: Wow! Cool! It’s so soft and warm.
Mandy: It’s late! We have to go back home!
Mandy, Fede and Tony: Goodbye!!
(The scientists spin around and shout)

(All the children will sing “We will rock you” waving their craft axes).
We will Rock you- Stone age version

Listen to our song, it’s a rock song,
Banging on a rock, ‘cos it’s all about stone-age man,
Got mud on your face, ya big disgrace
Everybody rock to the stone-age bass!

We will, we will rock you!
We will, we will rock you!

Living in a cave, we are so brave
Banging on a flint, make a spark to make fire light,
Got mud on your face, ya big disgrace,
Everybody rock to the stone-age bass!

We will, we will rock you!
We will, we will rock you!

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