Wednesday 15 August 2018

ANCIENT EGYPT- Fashion and Mummification (Junior I M)


Martu: Juana, what material do you use to make you clothes?

Juani: I make them with a plant called flax.

Cata: Martina, what make up do you wear?

Martu: I wear grey paint called Kohl in my eyes and red in my lips.

Juani: Cata, what material do you use to make your jewels?

Cata: I make them with gold, silver and pottery.

Martu: Juana, what are you wearing today?

Juana: I'm wearing sandals, a dress, a bracelet and braids. 

Martu: Mmm. You smell so well. What did you use to make your perfume?

Juana: I used a flower.

Cata: Only a flower?

Martu: No, a flower and oil. 


Martu: Juana, what is the mummification process?

Juana: Mummification happens when an important person dies. First, there is a ceremony conducted by four priests. 
Cata, what do they do after that?

Cata: After that, the organs are taken from the body and they are placed in special jars called canopic jars. Natron, a special type of salt, is also added to the body to dry it for 40 days.

Martu: Sometimes the heart is left in the body.
And then?

Juana: The body is wrapped in bandages with jewels and lucky charms.

Cata: And finally, the body is put inside a coffin. 

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