Monday 13 August 2018

ANCIENT EGYPT- The Afterlife and Food (Junior I M)

The Afterlife

1st comic strip
Migue: What happens when a person dies?

Octa: A person can live again in the afterlife.

2nd comic strip
Cata: That's why we preserve the body of the dead person.

Migue: And we provide it with food, furniture, tools, and riches.

3rd comic strip
Octa: The dead person has to pass a giant serpent, a crocodile and a furnace, and avoid being caught in fishing nets.

4th comic strip
Cata: And also escape from people trying to drown him and cut his head off.

5th comic strip
Migue: After that, the god Anubis measures his heart against the Feather of Truth.

6th comic strip
Octa: If it balances the person is greeted to the Afterlife by Osiris.

7th comic strip
Cata: But if it doesn't he is devoured by a monster which is part crocodile, part lion and part hippopotamus.

Migue: I'm hungry.

Cata: We can go to a farm and get fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and cheese.

Octa: Or we can hunt animals and birds. Or go fishing. 

Migue: I like sweet things, such as cakes, pastries and fruit.

Octa: We can cook something.

Migue: Yes, but outside, because inside a house it's dangerous.

Cata: But eat your food quickly before it goes bad.
Look! Over there! There's a lot of people! Why don't we have a party?

Migue: Yes! Let's do it!

Octa: Let's give them some food.

Cata: Or sweet things. I like them!

(The children give out some food to parents).

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